Welcome to Methinks Too Much!


Once upon a time on the internet… 

…people were excited to interact with others that they would not normally encounter in their daily lives – people with differing viewpoints, as well as like-minded individuals, from a worldwide pool.  The internet began with scientists and academics for the purpose of exchange.  As technology improved and affordable access increased the number of users, the topics that were discussed shifted from the technical to the mundane.  Soon everybody was a critic, in the best possible way.  The ability to be anonymous, there for personal protection, became the crack in the dam that led to an openness of expression not found offline.

The Lost Potential of Message Boards

In today’s internet most news articles and opinion pieces have an accompanying message board or comments section beckoning for input from the masses – for discussion.  So too will my pieces.  As an extrovert, I crave discussion and have been message boarding for many years.  I have several id’s gracing the comments sections of news sites, television shows and movie reviews – to name a few.  Anyplace where people can throw in their two cents, I show up with my bag of change.  There was a time when the majority of my spare time was spent discussing all manner of topics with all manner of people.  I even made a few actual friends with whom I am no longer anonymous.  Sadly over the years, however, message boards have devolved into infantile war zones.  Anonymity is used as a means to simply attack without repercussions.  The more people talked and the number of people to talking increased, the less anybody heard.  We stopped valuing the art of civil disagreement and lost an opportunity to shed much needed light on taboo subjects.

Methinks Too Much

I don’t message board the way that I used to.  I grew tired of the pettiness, the fighting and abuse, but mostly of the simplicity of thought.  The hostility of these sites repel the very people who would add value to them.  But, as my name implies, I am always in deep thought about something.  I am affected all day, every day, by what I see and hear in the news and what is going on in the world around me.  Living in a major metropolitan area, I am exposed daily to people of differing races, religions, ages, professions, political affiliations, backgrounds, educations, and economic levels.  Oh the things we could learn from one another!  However, we tend not to talk to strangers in real life and most of our interaction is under the protection of the weaponized anonymity of the internet.  As a result our discourse has become decidedly combative and xenophobic.  For most of human history, “the world” was the street/town/village from which we came.  We knew everybody and they knew us.  Now, with the internet, we have global awareness and the gift of true diversity.  My goal is to benefit from it.

Controversial Topics – Discussing Them the Right Way for the Right Reasons

While the primary point of this blog is for me to get things off my chest – or to simply babble inanely to the equally nutty –  I am expressly open to discussions with others on the topics that I think about – to learn from them and have my beliefs strengthened or reshaped by what I have learned.  I am hungry for true discourse and I have created this place in order to be fed.  It is my hope that those who venture into my space can do so in the spirit of discussion, intellectual curiosity, and with the intention of participation.  Less combat and more illumination.  Anonymity used only for protection – not as a weapon.  

A large percentage of the topics I will cover will be controversial in nature – it is why I am thinking about them.  While I don’t wish to offend anybody, I may indeed do so.  If you are offended, I invite you to add to the discourse.  Speak YOUR opinion, not just react to mine.  Not only is it okay to disagree with me, I encourage it.  But don’t just tell me what you feel, but WHY you feel it.  Show me the world through your eyes.  Yes these are blog posts on the internet, but it is my hope that each post is just the root of a discussion that grows to bear fruit. 

Also, no matter how controversial or triggering a topic is, this blog has a zero tolerance policy for insults and personal attacks.  While it will be only lightly moderated, I will do so in the interest of keeping it a safe place.  Bullies and trolls will be shown the door.


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